Ability to change wheel/tire selection in settings
Matthew Pack
Huzzah!! So great to see this feature come to fruition!!
Jose Castillo
Introduced in 2025.06 OTA
Jose Castillo
Merged in a post:
User enabled wheel/tire settings.
Ryan Diehl
Let the user change which tires on are on the vehicle rather than a SC visit.
Matthew Pack
Having the ability to select simply the tire size seems the fastest way to accomplish this. Anyone who has the 20" Wheels also has the ability to select tires with different sidewall ratios like 275/65R20, 275/60R20 or even 275/55R20. Those with the 21" and 22" wheels don't have as many options the 275/55R21 having only 1 option and the 22" wheels have a couple more low profile options. Interestingly the 275/55R22 are almost the same overall as the 275/65R20. And the stock 275/50R22 are very close to the 275/55R21 and a 275/60R20 - all within 4 tire Revs/Mile!
Dylan Scheidle
PLEASE DO THIS!!! Rivian i'm begging you to give more control to the users.
Matthew Pack
Seems like it would be pretty easy to have a configuration screen where the user can select the wheel and tire combination (or at least the tire size) so if you have 20" rims with a 275/60 R20 tire that is within a few rotations in comparison with the 21" 275/55 R21 you can select and the computer will do the rest of the calculations. While you're at it add a little setting for the TPMS to allow the user to select the tire pressure setting and program new sensors. Once you wear out the stock Pirelli tires and go to something else you may not want the TPMS to be set at 48psi. Also if offroading would be great to set the trigger point for the sensor at a lower PSI like <30 for example.
Todd Alleckson
I rotate between 20 and 21 inch sets for winter and summer. Why can't I select the appropriate set?
Marco Costanigro
please do this! trying to put snow tires after buying the 21" wheels is a nightmare!
Daniel Green
I bought my R1T with the free 21" wheels. I have upgraded to some aftermarket 20's and they told me they wouldn't re-calibrate for aftermarket wheels.
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