Apple Watch / Android Watch as proximity key
David Samuels
will this ever be worked on for Gen 1?
Jose Castillo
Launched in 2024.19 for Gen 2 vehicles only.
David Samuels
Jose Castillo will this ever be worked on for Gen 1?
Ed Braunbeck
Jose Castillo Are you sure this is available for G2?
Trevor Mack
Marketing materials show watch as a key for Apple and Pixel are coming to gen2, not sure about gen1.
Jonathan Schalliol
Trevor Mack I sure hope it comes to R1. Not sure why it couldn't since the watches use bluetooth. 25 R1s use a revised ultrawide band for better unlocking I believe was mentioned.
River Red
Jonathan Schalliol according to this video this would require gen 2, sadly:
Dylan Greene
With the announcement that UWB support for the refresh is not coming to original R1s, are we still getting some sort of watch as a key functionality?
Trevor Mack
Dylan Greene: time will tell, haven't seen anything about this on gen1 yet
Michael Bland
Great idea.
Brian Nichols
How can this still be “planned” more than a year later?
Carl Fredrikson
Yes, don't leave out Garmin. I would pay for that app.
Tim Towell
Do you think I could get an SDK under NDA, and I would write the phone proximity app myself and give all rights to Rivian ? I use both an apple watch and a Google watch depending on which phone I decide to carry that day...
Peter Reeburgh
Tons of active people also use garmin watches. Garmin has a Connect Store where an app could be developed for adding this pretty easily.
George Seeto
Peter Reeburgh: +1 Garmin. Also Garmin is on brand.
Peter Reeburgh: Yes... let's get the Garmin setup... or something that I can attach to the Garmin band (that is waterproof). At the moment, everyday I put on the bracelet with my Garmin side by side.
Jose Castillo
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