Drivers display UI enhancements
Walter kwait
If I had a dime for every time I’ve cycled through what little Rivian has available on it’s driver display cards, well,…C’mon Rivian. Please, no more cutesie occasional stuff that expires, we really need form and function for every day real needs. Trip information, elapsed times, persistent windows for critical info — like for when the tailgate is down to see a window showing the beds contents tucked into a display corner.
Map views that stay at the set zoom level.
And for the love of goodness gracious, a way to keep the map in a direction I’m headed moving to the top of the screen, not north up or 3d or 2d, but showing the entirety of the route with the arrow going straight up the route.
I’ve owned my truck for two years now and I love it to death, however the visual data has always been outdated or missing and at this put, being a gen 1 owner, I feel that all gen 1 owners will simply be told, our generation is being selected for termination — from an UI update standpoint. Prove me wrong.