Keep climate on without pet comfort
under review
I think this is related to the Cabin Climate Hold feature planned for 2025, but not merging as this may be different than a hold with a max/low band threshold, vs keeping climate on to a set temp.
Felix Preisler
would love this, particularly to protect the car's interior on hot summer days!
Alessandro Corticelli
YEs if you need to keep somebady in teh vehicle for a while !!!
Trevor Mack
Alessandro Corticelli: it will never be recommended to leave anyone in the vehicle unattended 👀 (especially children)
Trevor Mack
Wassym mentioned some type of cabin temperature overheat protection feature in Reddit AMA yesterday
Trevor Mack
Alex Schiller this is currently possible by preconditioning the vehicle from the mobile device. Does that satisfy your request?
Alex Schiller
Trevor Mack: Thanks! I am aware. But my use case is that I drive to daycare every morning to drop off my kids. I then want to keep the vehicle warm until I come back. Doing that with two taps on the screen in the vehicle would be easier than exiting the vehicle first and then doing it from my phone. (This is something I’ve gotten used to in my Tesla, which has this exact feature in addition to dog mode.) I’ve seen this requested in other forums as well.
Trevor Mack
Alex Schiller: makes sense to me. We just leverage pet mode as currently supported and deal with it as fumbling with a phone is silly in some situations for sure.
Alex Schiller
Trevor Mack: Agreed! This really is more of a nit pick, and I feel like the software is generally already very mature. But these kinds of small improvements can really dial things in.