Leading vehicle departure alert
Mike Maltese
Even Gen 1s are capable since ACC can recognize it. Making this its own suggestion from https://riviansoftware.canny.io/wish/p/red-light-notification-for-gen-1-rivians as that probably isn't something Gen 1s are capable of.
Jose Castillo
Rivian shared that Gen 1 will get this feature later this year.
Mike Maltese
Yes, I saw Wassym's response on Reddit. \o/
Jose Castillo
Introduced in 2025.06 OTA
David Duhé
Jose Castillo I disagree with this having been marked as complete since it is presently limited to Gen2 only.
Jose Castillo
David Duhé Rivian shared it is also coming to Gen 1
Trevor Mack
Merged in a post:
Notify when the vehicle in front begins to move
Laurie Emerson
I was in a Kia Sportage rental car that notified me with a simple “ding” when the car in front of me began to move and I did not. It waited until the car was about twenty feet away. If all cars had this feature, traffic would improve greatly.
Gavin Kistner
I don’t understand. Can you clarify?
Mike Maltese
Gavin Kistner I honestly shouldn't have mentioned the other request, but did so because I had commented there and it is a different, but related feature.
Because we know that Gen 1 ACC will react to a lead vehicle move, it is a safe assumption that it is possible to add this functionality. See https://youtu.be/6d92rV1Sr4g?t=25.
Yes! I love the similar feature in the Tesla where it dinged when the light turns green!