Manual Preconditioning battery for fast charge
Matthew Redekopp
Planned - but when?? Such an obvious need
Brad Medford
I like my battery to be at 70+ for performance reasons
Felix Preisler
Another use case for this: as driver i may want to bring up or down the vattery temperature to a level good for battery longevity (eg 68 degree f to 86f range). With a preconditioning button, i can make sure that happens - rivian precond. targets 77 degreesfor a reason. Especially helpful after a deep fast charge (often battery temps are way too high after 200kw+ charges) or when driving in really cold conditions. The battery is the car's biggest asset.
Trevor Mack
Trevor Mack
Just ran into a need to do this myself given we were navigating to a charger ABRP knew about, but Rivian Navigation didn't!
Jeffery Lewis
Trevor Macki actually , I go to the free charger we have here for the public that’s not on the map, so when I am headed there, or any charger, I find a fast charger ,and hit it , and press go , and it starts the precondition. So by the time I get there, my battery goes from 100 down to like 94 to 86 . I will use that method until the add it
Colton Riffel
…and an option to turn off preconditioning for the current trip. I had to turn off navigation all together as I was so low it kept trying to precondition as I would have to charge to go anywhere. I made it to the charger but wouldn’t have if it kept cooling the battery pack for faster charging.
Please consider this function. We sometimes decide to grab a charge when we dont have it planned in our route. It would be nice to manually precondition for an unplanned stop.
Michael Burgess
Another reason this is needed is that sometimes, when you navigate to a charging station that is on the map, it does not precondition. It only
Preconditions for certain brands of stations (eg electrify Canada etc.) but not for others (eg Ivy)
+1 - for a different use case. When traveling cross country using the updated navigation system, it will start preconditioning 90 minutes out. This reduces the range, and i doubt is really necessary. Making this manual or a setting in the route planning, or even a software update to reduce the preconditioning time when cross country may result in greater range and less charging time or stops.
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