Radio Volume (from steering wheel) needs refinement
Reed Van Rozeboom
The radio volume (especially at the lower volumes) has large variances on each step. So the difference between 1-2 volume levels, and 2-3, are pretty large relative volume gains. I would love there to be finer control of these steps from the steering wheel. It seems like each step is either too soft or too loud (especially if I am speaking to another occupant in the car).
Erik Van Eaton
Agree! Need more steps between 1 and 7. I have never gone higher than 10, which is too loud and I thought it was the max. I am going to try Michael's advice about turning off dynamic sound, but we shouldn't have to fix it this way.
Reed Van Rozeboom
I realized a few days ago that I spend almost ALL of my listening between the volumes of 1-7. Yet the volume goes up to 30. Two solutions could be
- Make it go to 60 instead... adding in half-steps between the existing volume steps.
- Or... dial the max volume down. Afterall, who is actively looking to blow their speakers (or ear drums) out? I think that decreasing the volume range and keeping the 30 steps would provide a finer level of control without any real world impact on audio performance.
Michael Albers
Agreed. Turn off “Dynamic Sound Adjustment” under the menu. The issue is the sound volume adjustment it makes while driving. I’ve turned it off and not looked back since. Only issue is you might need to adjust audio due to road noise - but it’s way better.
Alan P
This has become a real problem for my wifes sensitive ears after a recent update