Turn Signal Enhancement Driver Screen
in progress
Matthew Pack
I regularly end up leaving my turn signal on as well. However I don't think a visual indicator on the main screen is the solution. For me the solution is a different sound that is not lost behind the radio, road noise, conversation etc.
How about something more pronounced (think woodpecker or cicada). The dull tap on wood gets lost.
Rajat Soni
Matthew Pack great point i don't have a 100% idea so that could work well too. i still leave the signal on and part of it is Rivian made a poor design decision on the stalk. instead of the stalk remaining down or up until it is set back to center, the stalk going back to center creates the problem. so it's sort of sound or visual mix that could solve it.
Ron Rechtman
could show on main screen the blind spots not only behind the steering wheel. (heads up would be cool here) slow speed should show forward, high speed behind
Trevor Mack
in progress
Turn signaling enhancements incoming to gen1 and gen2 as part of the blind spot detection. Should be obvious if turn signals are on with a camera preview on the screen.
Trevor Mack
Additional changes are been noticed in 2024.19.00 that increase visibility of turn signals
Matthew Miller
Please please please release this. It was being demoed in beta last year can you please deploy to production.
Daniel Cavalheiro
Tesla does a good job turning the signal off after a successful lane change, I would love to see the same on my Rivian.
Ron Rechtman
or make alexa work and not say connect to bluetooth
Ron Rechtman
have the camera in the direction of the turn display on the screen similar to hyundai
Michael Bland
I agree. Both the visual and the sound are too subtle. I would like to control the sound or even change it (the one now is annoying). With regard the to visual, the arrows need to be larger.
Reed Van Rozeboom
How about just increasing the volume of the signals at higher speeds? The radio is adaptive and gets louder a speed... why not the same for the signals as well?
Gavin Kistner
See also https://riviansoftware.canny.io/wish/p/feature-request-adaptive-turn-signal-volume where audio cues should be helpful in ensuring the turn signal is noticed.
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